Author: Bob Stonk

$DSS DD by @AmandaCStocks

  $DSS For all who still don't know who they are merging with, Impact Biomedical. Still waiting on the merger vote There they last PR on July 9th — Amanda C (@AmandaCStocks) July...

$CHFS DD by @buysellshort   ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ What do you think of this DD? Leave a rating below!

$CHFS DD by @TheOnlyRampart1

  $CHFS Aquadex sales in New York and across the nation. past article missed. — Doctor DD (@TheOnlyRampart1) July 24, 2020 $CHFS I also asked this question in the webinar. Florida is...

$CAPR DD by @TheLioncom

  ⚠️ Nice close on $CAPR for the day. I will be doing very important research on Capricor, it’s port DMD and Covid19 drugs and vaccine program this weekend. We may see this $20s...

$NTEC DD by @EdHuntTrading

  Top 3 Institutions that own shares: HEIGHTS CAPITAL: 5,000,000 Shares, $1.42M, 7.22% SABBY CAPITAL: 4,030,000 Shares, $1.14M, 5.82% ARMISTICE CAPITAL: 3,637,880 Shares, $1.03M, 5.25% — Ed (@EdTradez) July 23, 2020   ⬇ ⬇...

$AYTU DD by u/mcellr

This DD was originally posted on the subreddit r/pennystocks Is AYTU ready to run? Many are saying yes. And many insiders acquired shares on June 8th at a share price of $1.45. So, it...